Systema Solar


Systema Solar is an musicovisual collective influenced by the spirit of the Colombian sound system tradition. The members of the group who come from diverse territorial and sonorous latitudes have found in the afro Caribbean vibrations a sea of possibilities to reinforce the strength and power of Colombian music and expand it to all the corners of the planet. Cumbias, bullerengue, champeta, laptops, drums and vinyl records all spinning in global orbits of stereo laser flavor. Come and dance with us, Systema Solar!

This musicovisual collective recycles the rhythms, voices, melodies of traditional Colombian music and integrates these into new musical works that include contemporary beats such as house, hip hop or techno. The five members that create the music of the Systema Solar are; Pellegrino, Indigo, John Primera, Dani Boom and Dj Corpas. The group also includes a visual component which is the live mixing of videos during the concerts done by Pata De Pero who utilizes videos filmed all over Colombia, in this way creating a visual mosaic of Colombia’s colorful urban and rural landscapes.

Systema Solar works with different guest musicians which are invited to participate in different tracks at the time of recording or most often during the concerts. These are generally traditional musicians whom have had little contact with contemporary pop music. In exchange for their participation Pellegrino gives the musicians workshops in modern recording or production techniques.



and click below if you would like to hear some of our music!!



Malpalpitando from Intermundos on Vimeo.

Systema Solar, “Mi Kolombia” live in Bogota from Intermundos on Vimeo.

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